
资料分类:单片机自动化 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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摘要:随着生物医学工程技术的蓬勃发展, 医学信号检测仪器日新月异。生物医学检测与临床医学和保健医疗的联系日益敏密切。通过对人体各种生理信号的测量,能更好的关注人体的生命现象。脉象包含了很多人体健康状况的信息, 脉诊技术应该定量化、客观化。此次设计利用光电传感器来获取脉搏信号。此次设计主要是基于单片机的便携式脉搏测量仪,利用光电传感器获取脉冲信号,经过放大整形后,输入单片机内部进行相对应的控制,从而检测出一分钟之内脉搏的跳动次数,非常快捷方便。通过观察脉搏,可以对人体的健康状况进行检查,此仪器通常被用于医院和保健中心。此次设计的基于C51单片机脉搏测量仪对推进诊脉技术具有积极的促进作用。

关键词  脉搏;单片机;脉冲信号;光电传感器


Abstract:With the vigorous development of biomedical engineering technology, medical signal detection equipment with each passing day. Biomedical detection and clinical medicine and health care is increasingly sensitive to close. Various physiological measurement signals through the human body, can better attention to the phenomena of life of the human body. The pulse contains a lot of information on the status of human health, pulse diagnosis techniques should be quantitative and objective. The design uses a photoelectric sensor to get the pulse signal. The design is mainly based on single chip portable pulse measuring instrument, the use of photoelectric sensors pulse signal after amplifying and shaping, enter the microcontroller internal control corresponding to detect the pulse beats within one minute, very fast and convenient. By observing the pulse, you can check the state of health of the human body, this instrument is often used in hospitals and health centers. The design is based on the C51 single-chip pulse measuring instrument for promoting diagnose the troubles of technology has a positive role in promoting.

Keywords  Pulse  MCU  Pulse Signal  Photoelectric Sensor

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:此次设计基于C51单片机的脉搏测量仪仪,结构简单,性价比高,输出显示稳定,系统性能良好,比较适合普通家庭的使用和自我检测以及医院护士进行日常的临床记录。这使我们在家中......
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