
资料分类:单片机自动化 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-12
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关键词  新能源;太阳能热水器;传感器;单片机


Abstract:The 21st century witnessed the coexistence of crises and development ,which is featured by the lack of energy、climate warming, environmental pollution human being faced for a long time.

As the constant breakthrough of science and technology, we overcome the obstacles in the progress of development one by one for the sake of making great contributions to human survival and advances, especially innovations linked to techniques had paved the way for the extensive use of new energy which will open a new chapter for the future of mankind. The solar water heater, as the mature and most convenient tech-innovation, will be favored by people with its continued innovation in technology and a variety of applying.

   Solar water heaters not only reduce natural resource waste and save energy, but also offer convenience for people’s daily life. The usage of solar water heater with a simple and convenient way will be the starting point of this design. The paper, combined with the specific use of solar water heaters in the sensor DS18B20, AT89C51 micro-controller basis, described the working principle of solar water heaters and designing scheme. Intelligent control device of solar waters based on At89c51 MCU not only can easily display the time and date, but also can use LCD show the default water temperature and the actual temperature in a plain and simple way. By difference of water temperature and the actual temperature,SCM intelligent determined whether need to start the electric auxiliary heater parts and regulate the water temperature or not. When the water temperature was higher than the actual one, we should start automatically heating components so as to provide more comfortable hot-water and make solar water heaters more convenient and easier for our daily life. Also, the intelligent control instrument designed to be high-accuracy, and quick-witted. Still, to stop heating is necessary when the water temperature meet the requirements. Compared to other parts of electric heater, such as heater, electromagnetic pots, etc, boiling water can reduce energy losses.

Keywords   New Energy   Solar Water Heaters   Sensor   Microcontroller

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:本设计以AT89C51单片机为主,结合DS1302时钟芯片和DS18B20传感器等元件,通过单片机的控制,不仅实现了时间和水温的实时显示,并且配合相关辅助加热器件,能够对太阳能热水器的水温进......
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