
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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[摘要]  民事公益诉讼的提出是当前侵害国家利益和社会公共利益的案件大量涌现却得不到适当解决的情势所需。公益诉讼源于国外,由于传统文化的影响、公民法律意识的薄弱、现实因素的制约以及法制缺陷的影响,在民事公益诉讼制度方面,我国仍是一片空白。这使得法律对一些损害国家利益和社会公共利益的行为无能为力,放纵和滋长了一些违背公共利益的违法行为。建立民事公益诉讼已成为我们未来的重要课题。

[关键词] 公共利益、民事公益诉讼、现状、构建


Abstract:Now many cases in which national interests and public interests are encroached come up. Civil pubic interest litigation system is the best way to resolve these cases. Public interest litigation originates from foreign countries. Because of the influence of traditional culture、the weakness of people’s law consciousness、the realistic factor and the influence of legal defects, our country doesn’t build up the system of the civil public interest litigation. As a result, we can not use the weapon of law to punish the actions that infringe on the country interest and social public interest. So it is important for us to set up the civil public interest litigation system in the future.

[Key words] public interest 、civil public interest litigation、current situation、 build up

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:传统民事诉讼的判决只对参加诉讼的当事人有效,而对案外人是不产生任何法律上的效果。然而民事公益诉讼的原告是不特定多数的受害主体。假如民事公益诉讼判决的效力仅仅对参加......
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