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关键字:总体稳定  金融的偿付能力  补偿能力

1 介绍



外文原文(字符数 7726):

Models of Company’s Solvency Analysis




Author: Ardelean Victor

Abstract. In the paper the authors show the different models of analyzing the company’s solvency, taking into account many ratios with different importance.

Key words: general stability, financial solvency, reimbursing capacity.

1  Introduction

The status of financial solvability is multi-criteria approached by local specialists and from abroad. The International Accounting Standards mention the fact that solvency refers to cash availability for a greater period of time during which the due time financial engagements ought to be covered.  In our opinion, solvency has to be analyzed from the point of view of its function and the time horizon it implies. That is why we believe that solvability expresses the capacity of an economic agent of reimbursing on due time (larger then 1 year) the current rates towards banks and other financial institutions.At the same time, we believe that solvability is a state of financial equilibrium measuring the value of the capital, as compared to the patrimony’s size.

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:一般稳定性指标(ISG)是指在大多数程度上显示该公司的总资产能够偿还公司的债务总额。该指标显示了哪些资产能够偿还债务。一般稳定性指标(ISG)=总资产/总负债,一般稳定性指标可接......
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