
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:溪老师 更新时间:2020-11-01
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摘 要


关键字: 公司治理  员工股票购买计划  银行储蓄行为


外文原文(字符数 12696):

Bank Employee Incentives and Stock Purchase Plans Participation              


      We investigate which factors influence 44,649 employees’ decision to invest in a top retail banking group in France. We have two objectives: (i) to explore factors associated with the amount invested in the plan, and (ii) to explore whether these factors have same associations with the probability of investing more than the incen- tive pay i.e. being an active investor. Specifically, we focus on four parameters that have been shown to affect participation: liquidity constraints, imperfect knowledge of the plan, asset choice, and transaction costs. We confirm Engelhardt and Madrian (Natl Tax J 57:385–406, 2004) assumptions according to which such factors contribute to explain non-participation. We show that ESPP contributors have very specific and unobserved motivations, as shown with the positive correlations between error terms in the two steps of investment decisions. The existence of unobservable investment motives can be explained by a lower risk aversion, a higher time preference, or a strong willingness to participate to corporate governance.


Keywords Employee stock purchase plans · Corporate governance ·

Bank · Saving behaviors

上传会员 溪老师 对本文的描述:我们发现的新奇效应的存在,作为投资的最大金额为员工谁尚未得到资格以前的报价。投资不可观察动机的存在可以通过一个低风险断言,锡永,有较高的时间偏好,或强烈的意愿参与......
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