
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-17
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Abstract:China is currently faced with the problem of imported inflation, the economic crisis triggered by the collapse of the foreign financial system developed economies to implement a very loose monetary policy, a series of measures arising from a chain reaction. China's foreign trade has certain advantages and considerable opportunities, but also facing considerable threats and challenges, this paper, our country is in a complex international environment, China's foreign trade data, as well as imported inflation, the SWOT analysis of China's foreign trade proposed a number of coping strategies for the development of China's foreign trade in imported inflation: vigorously develop modern agriculture, improve the exchange rate formation mechanism and control of foreign exchange to stabilize the overall price level, to strengthen energy development and improve the efficiency of energy use, and guide foreign investment flows to want to be able to ease domestic inflation, improve the foreign trade of our country against imported inflation, and a better international environment, and be able to compensate for, to improve the disadvantage at the same time, to play its due advantage of China's foreign trade out of the woods, in the international arena more competitive.

Key words:imported inflation; external trade; commodities; monetary policy; SWOT analysis


上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文就我国正处于复杂的国际环境,通过对我国外贸相关数据,以及输入性通胀下我国外贸的SWOT分析,提出了针对输入性通胀下我国外贸发展的一些应对策略:大力发展现代农业、完善......
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