
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-06
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关键词:电子商务   旅游环境  传统旅游


Abstract:Electronic commerce as the mainstream economic operation in the future. Has low cost, high efficiency characteristic for many enterprises to participate in international competition to build equal trading platform. With the high-speed development of the tourist market and the consumers are increasingly using the network. It provide a new opportunity for development for tourism enterprises also. The interactive with the network have real-time, richness and convenience, It have changed the traditional way of tourism management. The traditional rapid integration into the network of tourism,it have going fast. The combination of electronic commerce and tourism is a necessary trend, and Broke the limitations for Traditional tourism industry. So it is necessity and feasibility for developing online travel.

Keywords:  Electronic commerce,Tourism environment,Traditional tourism




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:网络的交互性、实时性、丰富性和便捷性改变了传统旅游业的经营方式,促使传统旅游业迅速融入网络旅游的浪潮。电子商务与旅游业的结合是一种必然趋势,打破了传统旅游的局限性......
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