
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:浅浅的回忆 更新时间:2013-06-19
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关键词: 诚信缺失;诚信教育;社会责任;诚信环境;信用体系



   The ancients cloud goes: "The way of the business lies in sincerity, and the way of making profit lies in the letter". In short, enterprise credibility means enterprise is to be honest. In particular, the enterprise honesty is an image, a brand, and a kind of credit, which are the foundations of an enterprise’s prosperity. In the economic globalization where the opportunities and challenges exist today, the enterprise credit problem becomes a public issue and a media attention. The enterprise, as one of the main body of the market, is attaches importance to the good faith, the intangible assets. As the events of "San Lu poison milk powder," "shuang hui lean meat essence", meng niu milk which contains carcinogenic substance exposure, the customers are suspicious about the quality of the domestic product, and they have no a measure of the enterprise prestige degree. It is not difficult to find that the enterprise with the good faith presents a good enduring vigor, but those who do not speak the integrity will have an uncertain future in the current system of market economy. To my shock, many people clearly know the truth, but some enterprises are still lack of credibility, which disrupts the normal operation of the marketing economy, worsens the market economy environment, and has a bad effect on the economic development and social stability and brings the negative influence. So this paper describes the current situation of the enterprise and the influence of lacking credibility. At the same time, the paper analyses the reasons why the enterprise is lack of sincerity and puts forward the strategy to build the enterprise credibility to promote the development of the marketing economy. 

Keywords: Honesty Integrity;Integrity education;Social Responsibility          credit environment ;Credit system


上传会员 浅浅的回忆 对本文的描述:企业诚信缺失的现象却依然层出不穷,而且严重扰乱了市场经济的正常运行,恶化了市场经济环境,给经济的发展和社会的安定带来了消极的影响。对此,文章重点阐述了企业诚信缺失......
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