
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-07
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Abstract:As an important part of enterprise informatization, E-commerce is a vital manifestation of the network economy. With modern means of information, it replaces traditional transactions’ paper-based information carriers’ storage, transmission, launch and other segments, thus realizing commodity trading, service transaction, transaction management and other online activities. 

  With more standardized and law-based tender and bid activities and procurement system, network-based bidding becomes the mainstream of network economy. But the main modes of the existing online network bidding systems are enterprises’ internal bidding system and the third party bidding system and  the functions of these systems are generally bidding information release online, the purchasing of bidding documents offline, bid opening, bid evaluation, bid selection and issue an announcement of accepting a bid.

  This graduation project aims to develop an e-procurement business platform for a pharmaceutical group through the investigation and analysis of its actual requirements, combined with the actual situation of the group’s procurement operations to complete the pharmaceutical bid management system in the process of enterprise informatization. After comparison with similar network purchasing platforms, it’s decided that Kingdee BOS development platform, which is based on JSP and MVC model, is implemented to develop mature technology to realize supplier management, Project goods and material bidding, material competitive bidding and inquiry and other functions. This system has been delivered and the feedback is good.

Key words: e-commerce , bidding , jsp


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本毕业设计以开发某药业集团电子采购商务平台为研究目标,通过对集团实际需求考察分析,结合此集团采购经营的实际情况,完成企业信息化过程中,医药竞标管理系统部分。......
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