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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-24
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关键词:发展中国家   对华反倾销   贸易摩擦


ABSTRACT:With the continuous deepening of international trade and effects of financial crisis on the economies of all countries, many countries use trade protection measures to protect the domestic economy. Since the establishment of a free trade zone, protective tariffs, quotas and other traditional trade methods greatly reduce, relatively hidden anti-dumping is widely applied. According to the statistics of the World Trade Organization, China has become the biggest victim of trade of anti-dumping investigation. The trend of developing countries' anti-dumping against  China become more robust. The total has more than developed countries. The India ranks first and takes 20% of the total amount of anti-dumping against China that more than the United States and the European Union. The number of anti-dumping against China in Argentina, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil and other countries is still increasing.

   This paper introduces the fact that more and more developing countries anti-dumping against China. Firstly expounds the basic meaning, origin and development of anti-dumping. In view of the developing country's anti-dumping characteristics and trend, comparing with country, trade balance, trade, anti-dumping quantity. This paper comparatively analysis the characteristics of developing countries and developed countries anti-dumping against China. Then summarize the motivation of developing countries' anti-dumping against China. Finally, put forward the corresponding strategy.

Keywords:  Developing  Countries;Anti-dumping  against  China; Trade friction




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本论文介绍了中国在反倾销大浪潮中面临的发展中国家越来越多的以中国为反倾销对象的现状。首先阐述了反倾销的基本含义、起源与发展。针对当前发展中国家对华反倾销的特点和趋......
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