
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-14
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Abstract:Stock index futures was the most important and successful financial derivatives in the process of financial innovation in 1980s. It is a standardized futures contract based on all index of stock prices. According to the Cost of Carrying Pricing, the theoretical price of index futures should reflect the price of stock spot market, trading cost(such as the interest rate for capital borrowing), dividend gains and so on.Investors can get revenue by Cash and Carry Arbitrage or Reverse Cash and Carry Arbitrage, when the futures’ price diverge from the no-arbitrage area which is taken from the above factors.

   This paper outlined the concept, types and characteristics of arbitrage on stock index future contracts in the first chapter.

   Chapter 2 focuses on pricing of stock index futures and principle of arbitrage of futures and spot and deduces the arbitrage—free interval of china securities market.

   Chapter 3 gives a detail analysis including the mode choice of buy and sell the spot stocks in arbitrage strategy in view of the most likely used strategies by investors in China.The paper highlights the most important factor that is the Tracking-Errors(TE).

    At last the conclusions are:

   (1) Arbitrage-free interval exists really in china securities market and the interval can be calculated approximate.

   (2) There are three choices in the buying of the spot stock market.Among them using ETF to simulate Hu-shen 300 index is the most convenient and the cost is least.The TE is in the acceptable range.

   (3) Arbitrage of futures and spot is available in the simulation trade on Hu-shen 300 stock index future contracts.

Key Words:Hu—shen 300 stock index, stock index future, arbitrage of futures and spot


上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:根据持有成本定价模型,股指期货理论价格应该是对现货价格、借贷利率等交易成本以及股息收益的综合反映。当期货价格偏离由各种因素综合作用形成的无套利区间时,投资者可以通......
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