
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-21
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关键词:商业银行  流动性风险   风险研究


Abstract:Along with the constant deepening of China's socialist market economy, the reform of commercial banks in China also deepened. Characteristics of commercial banks is the security, efficiency and liquidity, however, the flow of capital will have a risk, liquidity risk management becomes an important part of commercial banks continued management. Faced with an increasingly competitive financial markets, the liquidity risk management of commercial banks in China has gradually become an important protective factors related to the fate of the future development of the commercial banks. Liquidity risk because of their uncertainty, the impact of destructive characteristics, known as the commercial banks the most deadly risk. Firstly, starting from the concept of liquidity risk management, described the concept of liquidity risk management, followed by the liquidity risk, causes the main problem, to the final number of proposals to tackle the problem.

Keywords: Commercial bank   Liquidity Risk  Risk  research




上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:本文首先从流动性风险管理的概念出发,阐述流动性风险管理的概念,其次说明流动性风险的内容,成因及其存在的主要问题,最后针对问题提出若干建议。......
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