
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-18
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摘要:后危机时期,江苏纺织服装产业依然面临着复杂多变的出口格局。系统分析了当前纺织服装企业产品出口面临的主要问题:贸易保护主义加剧使得纺织服装业复苏困难重重; 出口以贴牌生产为主,品牌意识淡薄; 原材料价格上涨挤占纺织服装业出口的利润空间; 部分中小民营企业市场敏感性不强。并提出应对的基本措施:企业需提高品牌意识,加大品牌建设和研发;优化产业结构,促进产业结构升级;努力扩大内销市场和新兴市场;积极主动应对贸易制裁;政府要进一步推进法律体制的完善。以求为今后一段时期江苏纺织服装的产品出口提供借鉴。



Abstract: Post-crisis period, Jiangsu textile and garment industry still faces complex export pattern. Systems analysis of the current exports of textile and garment enterprises face major problems: trade protectionism is increasing recovery of textile and garment industry makes difficult; OEM-based exports, weak brand awareness; raw material prices squeeze profit margins of textile and garment exports; part of the market sensitivity of small and medium private enterprises is not strong. And propose measures to deal with the basic: companies need to increase brand awareness, increase brand building and research and development; optimize the industrial structure, promote industrial upgrading; efforts to expand domestic markets and emerging markets; pro-active response to trade sanctions; the Government to further promote the legal system perfect. The coming period in order for the textile and apparel exports of Jiangsu Province for reference.

Key words: Textile and clothing trade; the main problem; corresponding measures;


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:系统分析了当前纺织服装企业产品出口面临的主要问题:贸易保护主义加剧使得纺织服装业复苏困难重重; 出口以贴牌生产为主,品牌意识淡薄; 原材料价格上涨挤占纺织服装业出口的利......
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