
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-08
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 摘要: 随着社会生产的不断发展和进步,人们的需求越来越多样化。最早的大规模流水线生产已不再符合大多数产品的需求,一成不变的产品供应也逐渐淡出了市场。对于任何企业而言,规模生产可以带来效率的提高和生产成本的降低,如何进行中小型连锁超市内部的库存管理却是一个难题。本文首先从中小型连锁超市库存管理的理论方面进行了阐述,其次以锦城商贸作为研究对象,分析了该公司库存管理的现状,提出了存在的问题及对策,最后对我国整个零售业边锁超市库存管理普遍存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了解决对策。

关键词:中小型连锁超市 库存管理 对策


Abstract:with the constant development and progress of the social production, people's demand for more diverse. The earliest large-scale flow line production is no longer compatible with the majority of product demand, immutable and frozen products also gradually fade out of the market. For any enterprise, the scale of production can bring about efficiency and reduce the production cost, how to carry out medium and small concatenate supermarket is a problem. This paper from Small and Medium Chain Supermarket management theory are discussed, followed by Cheng Trading as the research object, analysis of the company's inventory management present situation, proposed the existence question and the countermeasure, finally to our country entire retail inventory management problems were analyzed, and the countermeasures were proposed.

Keywords: Small and Medium Chain Supermarket  inventory management  countermeasure



上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:我结合所学的贸易知识以及在企业的实践,对中小型连锁超市的商品库存管理做了一些初步的探讨,然后以锦城商贸零售公司为案例分析了库存管理的现状,最后总结了我国中小型连锁超......
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