
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-18
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关键词 土地股份合作制;土地流转;土地承包经营权;现代农业


Abstract:The rural land share cooperative is to point to in specific rural collective land ownership, stabilizing the contract right of farm households and invigorating, on the basis of land use rights, the economic strength of large, collective economic organizations or business, investment in agriculture of farmers contracted land or collective all land, joint capital, equipment, technology and other production factors of quantitative investment; According to the voluntary principle of benefit-sharing, risk-sharing share cooperative system to agriculture enterprise. 

   This article through to Zhang Zhuangzhen land stock cooperatives field investigation, the results of the survey surprising, survey found Zhang Zhuangzhen land stock cooperatives development actual situation with extremely not reported in official propaganda, the cooperatives in developing problems, there are serious participation main body alienation was a "personalities" cooperatives, farmers have been taking a stake in, by cooperation, a serious violation of the principle ", voluntary and paid in accordance with the law ", this problem has affected the image in the eyes of farmers cooperative, lead to farmers and cooperatives contradiction is sharpened, brought great trouble to the development of cooperatives. Participate in subject alienation reasons, by the analysis of the main three points: farmers' scientific culture quality is not high, has widened the gap between rich and poor in rural areas, the government supervision for examination and approval of relevant departments is not enough. According to the farmland share cooperation alienation the crux of the problem, a series of Suggestions were put forward.

Keywords  land joint stock cooperative system  Land Transfer  land contracted management right  modern agriculture


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:本文对张庄镇土地股份合作社进行了实地调研,调查结果出人意料,调查发现张庄镇土地股份合作社发展的实际情况与官方宣传报道的极其不符,该合作社在发展中存在着严重的参与主......
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