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摘要:在金融和经济全球化的背景下,美国次贷危机演变为国际金融危机以后,对世界经济产生了广泛而深刻的影响。造成世界经济发展变缓,尤其是现阶段经济处于高速稳健发展和外贸依存度60%的中国。此次危机既是一次挑战,也是一次难得的机遇。因此只有全面、客观、历史、科学地分析金融危机的原因和对中国贸易的影响,分析存在的问题,认清发展趋势,我们才能从根本上找到金融危机的科学应对之策。从而降低带来的影响和避免下次金融危机的来临。本课题以中国出口贸易为切入点,从文献资料、数据资料和客观实际中分析,然后研究国际金融危机对中国出口贸易的影响。以及我们从影响中得到的一些启示。最后针对国际金融危机对中国出口贸易的影响提出应对的措施和政策。这对中国贸易发展有一定的研究价值和现实意义。 关键词:国际金融危机 中国出口贸易 贸易壁垒
ABSTRACT:In the financial and economic globalization in the context of the evolution of the U.S. sub prime mortgage crisis in the international financial crisis, the world economy will have a broad and profound impact. Resulting in the development of the world economy slows, especially at this stage in a rapid and steady economic growth and 60 percent of China's foreign trade dependence. The crisis is not only a challenge, but also a rare opportunity. Therefore, only a comprehensive, objective, historical, scientific analysis of the reasons for the financial crisis and the impact of trade with China, analyze problems, identify trends, we can find the financial crisis fundamentally scientific countermeasures. Thereby reducing the impact and avoid the next financial crisis is coming. The topics to Chinese export trade as the breakthrough point, from the literature, data analysis and objective reality, and then examine the international financial crisis on China's export trade. And our impact obtained from some inspiration. Finally the international financial crisis on China's export trade deal with the impact of proposed measures and policies. This is China's trade development of a certain research value and practical significance. Keywords: The international financial crisis;Chinese export trade;Barriers to Trade