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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-27
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摘要:2007年8月由美国次贷危机引发的金融风暴引发了全球经济震荡, 席卷美国,欧盟,日本等主要金融市场的。为了恢复市场信心,防止经济衰退,美国政府及美联储采取降息、注资、提高存款保障、限制投机、力促金融机构并购、接管陷入危机的金融机构等一系列行动,企图以此舒缓危机的恶化及其对全球金融体系和实体经济的冲击。本文从新政治经济学的独特的视角,运用新政治经济学危机研究的逻辑,揭示了金融危机是资本主义基本矛盾的表现,金融自由化是维护美元霸权的表现。

关键词: 金融危机;新政治经济学;新自由主义;经济全球化


Abstract:The financial crisis that caused by the subprime mortgage crisis of the United States in August , 2007 had given rise to the global economic shocks and swept through the European Union Japan and other major financial markets . In order to restore the confidence of market and prevent economic recession, the government of  the United States and Federal Reserve have cut rates, injected, improved  the deposit protection,  urged speculation of  financial institutions and taken over the financial institutions in crisis . They attempt to  alleviate the worsening financial crisis  and  the  shocks to the global financial system and substantive economy . This article  applys the logic of New Political Economy  to crisis ,  in order to reveal that financial crisis is the performance of the basic contradictions of capitalism  and financial liberalization  is the maintenance of U.S.dollar  hegemony.

Key words:  Financial crisis ;  New Political Economy ;  New liberalism; Economy globerlization




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:从新自由主义到华盛顿共识,再到经济全球化,都是由美国为首的发达国家主导一场又一场资本大扫荡运动。发达资本主义国家以资本的利润最大化为目的,通过各种政治、经济等手段......
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