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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-17
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Abstract :Along with the fast development of world economy, service outsourcing in the development of the world economy has played an important role in today's world, has become the important part of economic development. Jiangsu international service outsourcing business starts late, development standard is relative lag. In the face of the outsourcing service industry an important opportunity, Jiangsu needs to give full play to its own advantages, actively use the correct measures of international service outsourcing service industry, stimulative Jiangsu spans type develops. This article describes the service outsourcing theory based on the literature and relevant data, analyze the status of outsourcing in Jiangsu Province, characteristics and existing problems. SWOT analysis the advantages of outsourcing in Jiangsu Province, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges for analysis, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to the development of service outsourcing in Jiangsu Province.

Keywords:Service outsourcing; Jiangsu; Service outsourcing talents;SWOT analysis;Regional difference

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:大力承接国际(离岸)服务外包业务,有利于转变对外贸易增长方式,扩大知识密集型服务产品出口;有利于优化外商投资结构,提高利用外资质量和水平。服务外包广泛应用于IT服务、......
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