
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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Abstract: With the social progress and the rapid economic development.Owned enterprises to A Sole Proprietorship Enterprise since ancient times of.Integrated its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and combined with the development status quo to make a correct understanding. A Sole Proprietorship Enterprise is to compare with the one-man compang to identify the differences between them. The problems derived from the discovery of the status quo and proposed countermeasures. To be as much as possible to make A Sole Proprietorship Enterprise can adapt to modern social development trends and needs. Have greater survival and development in the future . The ultimate economic of A Sole Proprietorship Enterprise will accelerate the development of the social-economic. Ultimately achieve the purpose of improving the level of people's life.

Keywords: A Sole Proprietorship Enterprise, one-man company, difference, problem, countermeasure

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:企业设立制度是企业法中极为重要的制度。《个人独资企业法》在企业设立法律制度的过程中重视了强制性法律规范与授权性法律规范的有机结合。就其设立的条件和程序而言,与其他......
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