
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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关键词: 农产品 出口竞争力 出口结构


Abstract:This paper studies systematicly the export competitiveness of Jiangsu agricultural products and its affecting factors. Firstly,on the basis of domestic and foreign research results about the international competitiviness ,the paper defines the concept of export competitiviness of agricultural products;Secondly,based on collecting and arranging relevant statistical data,the paper analyses the trade status of Jiangsu agricultural products and puts forward the existing problems;Thirdly, using the international market share,the RCA and the TC,the paper studies on export competitiveness of Jiangsu agricultural products;Finally,considered the actual situation of Jiangsu province,the paper works out the countermeasures to improve the international exprot competitiviness of Jiangsu agricultural products.

Keywords: Agricultural Products;The Export Competitiveness Of Jiangsu Agricultural Products ; The structure of export

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:近些年,江苏省农产品的出口贸易不断发展,也取得了辉煌的成绩,但随着贸易自由化程度不断加强,江苏省农产品出口的机遇可挑战的压力也在不断加大。下面是对江苏省农产品出口......
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