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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-03
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关键词:公共财政  地方公共财政   公共预算  


Abstract: In the reform and open policy ,under the direction of China's rapid economic development, from originally of planned economy to the socialist economy, with China's rapid economic development and China's urbanization degree is increasing day by day, the local economy in China, the development of social economy growing importance, on the background of local public finances which attention increasingly. And premier in the government work report of the stress, "to speed up the public finance system construction". Thus deepening place the reform of public finance system , further improving the local public finance system, to strengthen the government's public service function, from system mechanism on promoting economic and social development to the scientific development orbit, speed up the construction of socialist harmonious society, improve the local government's authority to force to have the important meaning. Based on the construction of public finance in Jiangsu province as an example the guide-subject local public finance to reflect the current situation , and to some Suggestions.

Keywords: public finance ;local public finance ;public budget

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:市场经济萌芽和发展阶段是西方资本主义生产关系的起源和发展阶段。这一阶段大致从欧洲中世纪后期开始一直到西方主要国家完成工业革命。这一时段的西方政府主要表现在:积极推......
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