
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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摘  要:本文通过对我国1994年以来双顺差现状的分析,从经常项目和资本与金融项目两方面,分析我国国际收支双顺差产生的原因:我国经济储蓄大于消费的结构性失衡、长期实施出口导向性政策、长期实行的对外资金投资优惠政策、全球过剩的流动性输入等。通过对现状及原因的研究,肯定双顺差对我过经济发展有着一定的积极意义,但同时却意味着大量实际资源的输出,会制约到我国长期可持续发展,造成人民币升值压力,会削弱央行货币政策的独立性及有效性,会诱使通货膨胀的发生等。因此,要理性看待双顺差问题。本文针对以上消极影响,提出如下几点调节对策:要妥善处理双顺差,要扩大内需,化解国内储蓄和消费结构的失衡问题,深化国内金融体制改革,使国内能够顺利转化为国内投资,完善人民币汇率形成机制等。以促使双顺差更有利于中国经济的发展进步。 



Abstract:Based on the double surplus in China since 1994 analyzes the current situation from the current and capital and financial account two aspects of China's international balance of payments surplus generated double cause: saving more than consumption of China's economic structural imbalances, long-term implementation of export-oriented Policies, long-term implementation of preferential policies for foreign capital investment, the global excess liquidity input and so on. By reason of the status quo and certainly I had a double surplus of positive economic development has a certain significance, but it means a lot of actual resources, the output will be restricted to long-term sustainable development in China, resulting in pressure of RMB appreciation, would undermine the central bank Independence and effectiveness of monetary policy will induce the occurrence of inflation and so on. Therefore, rational view of the double surplus problem. This view of the above negative effects of adjustment measures proposed by the following points: to properly handle double surplus, to expand domestic demand, domestic savings and consumption patterns to resolve the imbalances, and deepen the domestic financial system, so that domestic smoothly into domestic investment, improve the RMB Exchange rate formation mechanism. To promote two-account surplus is more conducive to China's economic progress and development.

Keywords: balance of payments, double surplus, causes, effects, countermeasures.

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文主要以我国1994年以来的国际收支双顺差结构为研究对象,从双顺差的现状出发,分析了双顺差产生的主要原因,以及其带来的积极影响和消极影响,并且在此基础上提出应对双顺差......
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