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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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摘要:随着城乡一体化建设脚步的加快,我国制造业发展日益迅速,尤其是低端制造业,对廉价劳动力的需求极大,进城工人就成为企业的首选. 进城进城工人为我国的工业化、城市化做出了巨大的贡献,然而在城市的他们却没有得到与之相应的权益保障,反而成为了城市的“边缘人物”。这种矛盾的存在严重制约了我国的长期发展,纵观国内研究成果,大多对进城工人的社会融合度研究都是从一个整体而言,本文特别选取更具有代表性的低端制造业的进城工人为探析对象,目的在于利用人力资源的相关理论层面对低端制造业的进城工人社会融入度进行分析,以提高进城工人的社会融合度。

关键词:低端制造业  融合度  城市化


Abstract:With the accelerated pace of urban and rural integration, the sincerely development of China's manufacturing industry are singly rapid, especially the low-end manufacturing, and they have great demand for cheap labor, so the migrant workers to become the first choice. Mi-grant workers for China's industrialization, urban Technology has made tremendous contributions, but they are not in the city have corresponding rights protection; they became the city's "fringe people." .This contradiction has seriously hampered the long-term development of our country. The purpose of this paper would like to spend the theory of human resources of migrant workers on the low-end manufacturing to analyze the degree of social integration, to enable them to integrate into the city.

Key words:   low-end manufacturing    Confluent    Urbanization

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文的目的在于借助国内学者研究成果的基础上从人力资源的相关理论角度对低端制造业的进城工人社会融入度进行分析,以使他们能够尽快融入城市......
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