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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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摘要: 由于期限长是个人住房消费贷款的一个显著特点,其最长期限甚至可达20至30年,这对金融机构来说,具有很大的不确定性,所以风险防范便成为了一个及其重要的问题。因为所购的住房一般为抵押物,其安全性与抵押物的市场价值密切相关,房地产市场的波动直接影响住房消费贷款的风险,因此,房地产市场的价格变动是住房消费贷款的重要风险。本文将着重从房地产市场价格波动的角度,研究抵押房屋的市场价值与贷款价值之间的关系,依靠现阶段房地产市场价值与贷款价值的一些理论模型,联系我国实际情况,通过数据的分析,研究我国住房消费贷款的风险。最后本文还就如何预防和减少房地产市场价格波动所造成的个人住房消费贷款的风险提出了一点建议和对策。



ABSTRACT:Due to personal housing consumption loan has long-term characteristic, the maximum term of 20 to 30 years of financial institutions, it is large uncertainty so risk prevention have become an important problem. Because what buy the housing is commonly pawn, its security and the market value of the mortgaged property is closely related to the real estate market fluctuations directly influence the housing consumption loan risks, therefore, the real estate market price changes is significant risk

   of the housing consumption loan . This article will mainly from the real estate market fluctuations in the price of view, study the mortgaged property market value and loan value, the relationship between the current real estate market value and rely on loan value of some theories model, contact the actual situation in our country, through data analysis, research on China's housing consumption loan risk. Finally, this paper also on how to prevent and reduce the real estate market price fluctuations caused by personal housing consumption loan risk put forward some Suggestions and countermeasures. 

Key word:Personal housing consumption loan;Risk;Real estate market;LTV;Risk-prevention

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:在本文中,将通过对由房地产市场价格波动所引起的个人住房消费贷款风险的成因、特点、运作原理以及影响等几方面逐步分析,探讨防范和化解此种风险的方法和渠道,并借鉴国内外......
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