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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:民营企业   海外并购    财务问题  


Abstract:This paper analyses the rise of overseas mergers and acquisitions of private enterprises,and study the motives and status of overseas mergers and acquisitions of private enterprises,. Through A careful analysis of some important cases, a number of financial problems exist in the integration process in the acquisition. The article proposes some corresponding solutions on the base of the research of scholars in the domestic and foreign, combined with the actual situation of private enterprises. In activities in mergers and acquisitions, corporate should consider the issue of mergers and acquisitions from a strategic level,with its own conditions and business development planning, to choose correct targets. Companies should continue to learn financial skills in practice, accumulating the experience in mergers and acquisitions.

Key words: private enterprise   overseas merger and acquisition   finance 

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:海外并购是指我国企业基于某种目的,通过取得另一国企业的全部或部分的资产或股份,对另一国企业的经营管理实施一定的或完全的实际控制的行为。现在比较受认同的并购分类是美......
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