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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-26
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关键词:我国企业 ;成本控制;对策建议


Abstract: In the market economy, cost control is an important part in the cost management and it has growing impact on the enterprise. Cost management is an important branch of the enterprise management and has an significant impact on the level of the development of enterprises, and direct impact on cost control, profits of enterprises which related to the survival and development. Cost control is an eternal theme. However, cost control in China is confined to business environment and self-regulation .The situation is not optimistic. What’s more, with narrow scope of enterprise cost management in our country, personnel’s costs of management awareness is not strong. Many enterprises can not meet the cost information needs of business costs. This paper is to our country enterprise cost management through the above problems appeared in the course of study, find out the reasons and puts forward to strengthen enterprise staff costs consciousness, make full use of human resources, science and technology, improve work efficiency, stipulate the standard cost control, the whole course cost control methods to solve the problems.

Key Words: Our country enterprise; cost control;Suggestions

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:国外也有不少专家对此有相应的研究:凯瑟琳娜 ·斯腾詹 ,乔 ·斯腾詹在《成本管理精要》一书中指出传统成本管理方法的不足,并介绍了最新出现的成本管理方法,介绍了大量有价值......
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