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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-11
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摘  要:作为一种新型的网络购物模式,网络团购在国内经历了从小到大,从单一到系统的一个发展过程。从网络团购的内涵和特点出发,研究了当代社会团购网站主流模式的特征,并针对国内网络团购市场竞争环境、商品质量和安全性等方面存在的问题,提出了相应的对策,为推动国内网络团购市场良性发展提供借鉴。团购行业自兴起以来受到了广大消费者的喜爱,但现在的网络团购网站各种各样,顾客容易挑的眼花缭乱。而且要在团购业中立足必须有一套长远的计划。现在普通单一的团购模式并不能吸引顾客的眼球,要想成为大众眼中所追捧的团购网站更是难上加难。所以本文致力于对现有网络团购模式的调查,再在现有的团购模式中提出团购创新点。行业竞争的加剧,团购发展的悄然变化,团购各方积聚的压力使得团购的模式必然要适应新的发展趋势。

关键词:电子商务 网络团购 团购模式 创新


ABSTRACT:As a new type of network shopping pattern, network group purchase has experienced from small to large in China, a developing process from single to system. Starting from the connotation of network group purchase and characteristics, characteristics of the life service commodity class, group purchase site navigation classes and group purchase platform such as the three kind of network group purchase mainstream pattern, and in view of the existing domestic network group purchase market competition environment, product quality and safety problems, and put forward corresponding countermeasures, to provide reference for promoting the benign development of market of domestic network group purchase.. Group purchase industry has been the favorite of consumers since the rise, but now the network group purchase website variety, easy for customers to choose see things in a blur. But also in the group purchase industry must have a long-term plan. Now ordinary single group purchase mode and can not attract the attention of customers, to become the eyes of the public are pursued the group purchase website is more difficult. So this paper is devoted to the study of group purchase innovation mode, find out more novel group purchase mode in Chinese existing group purchase mode. Industry competition intensifies, the development of group purchase group purchase quietly change, parties to a build-up of pressure makes the group purchase mode must adapt to the new trend of development.

Keywords:Electronic Business;Network group purchase;Group purchase mode;Innovation

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:本文致力于现有网络团购模式的探讨,分析现有团购模式的优缺点,从中找到优势和不足,针对不足之处我们必须要改进,在发展中找到新的团购模式适应社会的发展以及消费者大众的......
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