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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-15
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ABSTRACT:In recent years, the Yangzhou rural economy developed steady, the net income of rural residents increased, rural residents spending for culture to continuously improve the level of cultural consumption has also been a clear upward. Nevertheless, the Yangzhou rural cultural consumption situation there is still a need to improve, such as the ability to enhance the same century with no apparent increase in consumption the cultural consumption level is still low. Of rural residents in Yangzhou cultural consumption level as the starting point summary of the analysis of the factors restricting the cultural consumption of Yangzhou rural residents, including the income of rural residents factors, factors of the social security system, quality of residents Culture consumption of rural residents cultural consumer product supply, and then analyze the countermeasures to improve the rural residents in Yangzhou cultural consumption: increasing the income of the farmers to shorten the gap between the rich and the poor, establish and improve the rural social security system, strengthening the development of basic education in rural areas, improve the cultural quality of farmers and so on.

KEYWORDS: Culture consumption; constraint; countermeasure

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:扬州农村居民消费文化费用越来越高,但农民每年用于文化消费的支出增速略低于消费性支出增速,并且扬州农村居民每年用于文化消费的支出增速较慢。但随着扬州农村居民生活水平......
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