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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-15
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关键词:服务外包  江苏省  经济增长


ABSTRACT:Sine developments of economic globalization and information technology come into a new stage, the speed of gloabal industries' changing from manufacturing towards service becomes gradually faster than ever. As a new form of international industry change, service outsourcing has already become the main way of increasing global economy as well as nation competivity. The earliest version of service outsourcing started in 1960s, it became a management strategy applied broadly by companies because of its effectiveness in decreasing costs, strengthening core competivity of enterprises, optimizing allocations of resources and so on. This thesis aims at analyzing fundamental situation, model and basic problems that occurred in the service outsourcing of Jiangsu Province, all of which are based on understanding backgrounds and meanings of service outsourcing and it would introduce a primary strategy for promoting healthy developments of service outsourcing in Jiangsu Province so as to facilitate economic developments in Jinagsu Province. 

KEY WORDS: Service outsourcing  Jiangsu Province  Economic Growth

上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述:本文在结合国际服务外包的内涵与理论渊源出发的同时,分析了影响江苏省承接国际服务外包的因素,以及借鉴国内外服务外包成熟市场的发展模式后,提出能够发挥江苏自身区位优势......
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