
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-02
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摘 要:近些年来,我国企业国际化进程不断深入,质量对企业的发展有着至关重要的意义,而受金融海啸影响,国内外企业竞争越发激烈。如今,我国中小企业已成为增加国家税收和促进居民就业的主平台,众多中小企业的发展影响着我国未来的经济走势,但质量管理的实施不当一直是影响我国众多多中小企业发展的重要原因。




ABSTRACT:In recent years, with the process of internationalization of Chinese enterprises deepening of the financial tsunami, domestic and foreign enterprises increasingly fierce competition, the quality of the development of enterprises increasingly important. SMEs in China has become the tax increases and the main platform to promote employment, but due to improper implementation of quality management, has seriously affected the development of many SMEs.

    Firstly, the quality management research status at home and abroad to make a brief introduction, and then the quality management of SMEs in China causes problems machines are briefly analyzed. Subsequently, the analysis of the waltz Technology Co., Ltd. Wuxi quality management implementation in the successful experience, analysis of its quality improvement process in the whole idea and specific methods. Then summarized, made before for SMEs in Quality Management widespread problem, waltz Technology Co., Ltd. in Wuxi, in cases seek countermeasures and methods. For China's small and medium enterprises constantly improve their own quality management system, the quality of research for China's small and medium enterprises management model provides a reference observations.

Keywords: Quality management methods; SMEs; quality improvement;

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:目前,中小企业已成为我国税收和就业的主平台,大量的优秀民营企业尤其是高新技术企业为我国的经济增添了活力。但中小企业往往面临很多问题,过高的运营成本,较低的市场份额......
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