
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:15043
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关键词:外资企业 跨国公司 发展经验 发展现状  前景


Abstract: Since the Chinese government carry out the policy of the reform and opening up, the policy towards foreign investment enterprises from the initial joint venture gradual relaxation of foreign investment into independent enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises to enter the restricted gradual liberalization of the Chinese market, while showing various aspects of China's rapid development features, especially technological, economic, and cultural aspects, along with a new round of world economic game, gradually expanding its operations in multinational companies worldwide, with a strong brand, extensive retail experience, advanced personnel management system and e-commerce advantage of the rapid development, while these developments multinational companies in the Chinese market but also for the development of local enterprises to provide a certain amount of development experience.For multinational companies in China market development status and prospects of research for the study in favor of a more clear understanding of the pace of internationalization of transnational corporations, globalization.

Key words: China e-commerce multinational company

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:本文正是基于迪卡侬的社会责任和企业形象展开研究,分别通过对其外部环境和内部环境进行分析,并运用一系列市场营销基础知识得出结论,通过这些理论方法的研究对其前景进行分......
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