
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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关键词: 战后日本 对外贸易政策  国家干预  启示


Abstract: After World War II, Japan's economy is almost over the edge, however, in less than 30 hours, Japan broke the outside doubts, which became an economic power. Postwar Japan has implemented a series of trade and economic policy, enacting laws and regulations, the use of functions of State intervention according to the needs of different directions in different historical periods to promote the rapid development of the national economy. In terms of their stage of development, Japan 50 postwar international trade forms are very similar to China's current form, by comparing the two countries ' foreign trade policy, drawing on Japan related methods that address a range of trade and economic issues of that year, resulting in China's exploration economic path of enlightenment.

Key words:  postwar Japan   external trade economic policy   state intervention    revelation

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:二战之后初期,日本作为抵制共产主义渗透,防卫资本主义的中坚力量,为他赢得了较好的国际战略位置,在接下来的冷战加上局部战争得到了利于国际经济与贸易的有利条件,尤其是......
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