
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-12
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摘要:自进入二十一世纪,我国经济快速发展,人们的口袋渐渐地鼓了起来,也有了一定休闲度假的意识,这使得酒店业和旅游业快速地发展了起来,竞争也日趋激烈。现有的酒店有档次较低的小型旅馆和装饰豪华、档次较高的星级酒店, 而价格适中、档次适度的则相对较少,这类酒店市场已经远远不能满足公众的需求,人们既希望能够住上舒适干净的酒店,又希望能有低廉的价格,为满足这一需求,经济型酒店悄然兴起,如家快捷酒店就是其中的佼佼者。



关键词:如家 经济型酒店 PEST分析 SWOT分析 STP分析 7Ps


Abstract: Since entering the 21st century, with the development of economy, people are gradually richer and have the consciousness of leisure vacation. This also leads to the rapid development of tourism and hotel industry, competition becomes increasingly fierce. It is mainly high star hotels and low grade of small hotels, and less moderate price and grade hotels. This kind of market cannot be satisfied with the needs of the public. People want to be able to stay in both clean and comfortable hotels, and hope to have lower price. In order to meet with these demands, economy hotels have appeared, home inns is the most famous of these.

   Home inns is one of the largest economy hotels in China, as the range pole of Chinese economy hotel industries, the research about the development of home inns and its marketing strategy, the summary about the characteristics of its marketing strategy, and some suggestions for its improvement will provide reference theory and examples for the further development of Chinese economy hotels.

   Use the PEST macro environment analysis, five model analysis, SWOT analysis to analyze internal and external environment of home inns. Combining 7Ps service marketing mix theory, study from product, price, channel, promotion, people, services, processes and physical features of seven aspects. Hope that it can provide some references for the development of home inns, and can also provide some references for the development of Chinese economy hotel industry.

Key words: home inns   economy hotel   PEST analysis   SWOT analysis   the STP analysis   7Ps

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:经济型酒店一般会建在交通比较便利的市中心,方便商务人士以及游客出行,其标准设施仅为舒适干净的客房、供应早餐的小餐厅,布置简单的前台,有的有可能还会设置停车场等,不......
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