
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-12
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关键词:社会化媒体 社会化媒体营销 精准营销 微信营销


Abstract:Over the years, the marketing pattern has changed with the changes in the environment. The Internet development in the 21st century makes marketing once again usher in a new revolution. The birth of the Web2.0 era of social media, which interactive participation, transparent and opening to interested integrated features make consumer behavior fundamentally changed. The precise orientation with its natural and timely interaction, huge database attributes such as precision marketing provides a unique environment and conditions. This article will feature on social media, analyzing advantages and disadvantages of social media and simulates a viable and precise social media marketing strategy.Use popular social media - Tencent Wechat in case studies to explore the possibility of implementing precision marketing in the social media scenarios.

Key words:Social Media  Social Media Marketing  Precision Marketing  Wechat Marketing

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:我们接触到的、可获得的信息正以指数式增长,如何才能在这些相当大的信息量中迅速挖掘出我们需要的信息,降低营销成本,准确开发客户,满足不同消费者个性化的需求以及维持客......
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