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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词  区域性中小银行,金融服务,改革,发展战略


ABSTRACT:Today China's banking reforms have achieved fruitful results, but due to historical reasons and some of the problems of the real development of China's banking industry, there are still "oligarchs" and the local monopoly over competition coexist situation. Irrational allocation of resources in the market, whether there are gaps, such as location-based services and the management of aspects of small banks or government support for regional development itself is not enough, greatly limiting its development. Regional small banks is an important part of China's financial system, and for many the public, diversified financial services to meet the needs of a pivotal role. However, our regional small banks are still in the process of developing some of the current problems, issues such as market positioning vague, lack of discipline and strength of the internal control system and corporate governance structure and product structure is irrational, the lack of talent, which restricts the region development of small and medium banks. For some of the problems of this article regional development in the presence of small and medium commercial banks, put forward some countermeasures and suggestions.

Key words  Regional small banks, Financial Services, Reform, Development Strategy

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:中小企业在我国国民经济中的位置和作用日趋突出,成为技术创新和进步的关键主体,有效缓解了社会的就业压力,从而推动了经济发展。区域性中小银行发展虽有其独特优势,但也存......
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