
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:皇族girl 更新时间:2014-09-05
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关键词:国际商务谈判 情报 前期准备 分析


Abstract: The main purpose of international business negotiation is getting the most interest for our own side and getting a win-win situation. A satisfactory result of an international business negotiation depends not only on the negotiation strategies, tactics, techniques which used by the negotiators, but on the detailed preparation before the international business negotiation. This paper consists of five chapters, the content involved the preparation work, including information collection, negotiation team forming, plans and strategies, time & location choice and practice, some cases will be recorded and analyzed, the author will find the problem and think about how to slove them, then the author will Illustrate the importance of the preparations for the negotiations, and put forward some of his own opinions. Finally, the author hope that the negotiators should  aprationate and do the preparation work well, to grasp the initiative of the negotiation and improve the efficiency and the odd of negotiations.

Key words: International Business Negotiation Intelligence Preparation Analysis

上传会员 皇族girl 对本文的描述:本文通过案例阐述与分析和假设案例法来指出企业在进行国际商务谈判时会碰到的问题,阐明国际商务谈判前期准备工作的重要性......
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