
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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Abstract:Future competition is the competition of talents. The good or bad quality of enterprises access to human resourses will increasingly affect the current and future development of enterprises.As the main means of access to senior management personnel, leaderless group discussion has become increasingly valued by enterprises. However, there are still many errors in the selection of staff when the majority of corporations use these means in our country. This thesis combines the knowledge of psychology and management science, and comprehesively and systematically discusses the leaderless group discussion method, explore the actually existing problems, think solutions, so as to provide theoretical and practical help for acquiring quality people according with the development of enterprises.

Key words:leaderless group discussion;competency model;index of evaluating quality;title design




上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:结合心理学和管理学的知识,全面系统地论述了无领导小组讨论法,探索存在问题,思考解决方案,从而为获得符合企业发展的优质人才提供理论和实操上的帮助。高质量的题目的设计......
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