
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-27
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关键词: 特变电工环境,崛起要素,发展战略,输变电产业。


Abstract:Tebian ELECTRIC CO., LTD is a core backbone enterprises of China's major equipment manufacturing, new materials and solar world power sets of the total project contracting enterprises, state-level high-tech enterprises, China's largest transformer product research and development base and wire and cable, high-pressure electronic aluminum foil photovoltaic products and systems development, manufacturing and export base. Power transmission, new energy, new materials, the three major industries with the "National Engineering Laboratory, initially built the three major industrial power transmission industry-led, new materials industry support, the new energy industry is a bright spot" collaborative development pattern. Currently, the company has nearly 600 various independent intellectual property core patented technology and domestic and international know-how, almost a hundred of them are invention patents involved in domestic and international standard-setting more than 100. Product standards 1000kV UHV AC and DC IEC adoption of international standards for this area. 

Key Words:To TBEA environment, the rise of the elements of development strategy, the power transmission industry


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:对外贸易方面特变电工在4个方面有很突出的优势,第一是地域位置,第二是政府支持,第三是企业规模与设备生产能力,最后是对外贸易的案例。在新材料产业方面,公司延伸和扩展了......
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