
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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关键词: 化妆品、营销、策略


Abstract:With up-speed of joining in the globalization of economy and rising of economic power, China has become the most active and energetic economic area worldwide. Due to gradual increasing in inland purchasing power, great marketing’s potential and the bright future, China attracted a large number of internationally renowned companies to invest in China. Most of which have been successfully integrated into Chinese society. L’Oreal China, one of the most famous global multinational companies in China, as its international rivals, has become very popular in Chinese and achieved remarkable development, because it relies on advanced marketing methods and the accurate grasp of Chinese consumer and market, the famous and high-quality products. How L'Oreal to develop its business in China and how to achieve marketing success are the problems this paper to study. This paper is going to analyze L’Oreal China’s marketing strategy in terms of brand, channels, products mix, advertisement and sales, then to analyze the marketing strategies adopted by the problems and the causes. Finally to suggest : it is a way to fulfill the suitable development that looking for the new demand from customers and finding out the suitable cooperation pattern with the various parts in sales channels in China.

Key Words:Cosmetics,Marketing, Strategy




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:本文将从品牌、渠道、产品、广告、销售等方面进行研究,并分析所采取的营销策略存在的问题以及问题产生的原因,面对当今市场竞争激烈的情况下,欧莱雅提出最优的实施方案,以......
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