
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:11256
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关键词: 中美物价,中美的工资水平,国民福利


Abstract:Prices between China and America are great different. Chinese goods’ prices, including tangible goods and intangible goods, are higher than American’s. In fact, Chinese average wage are lower than American’s, which makes Chinese national welfare lower than American’s. This essay may compare the difference form tax policy and government expenditure policy between China and America to find out the reason which makes the prices between China and America in great different. During the comparing, the difference of tax policy between China and America makes American goods much lower. From government expenditure we can find that some reasons also influence the prices between China and America. Chinese’s transfer payment and American’s government purchase also makes the goods in America lower than in China.  In the end, the method which can improve Chinese national welfare may conclude from the reason mentioned above. From fiscal policy China may reduce the commodity tax and the kinds of commodity tax. From monetary policy China may increase interest rate and required reserves or legal reserve.

Key Words:China’s and America's prices, The wage level between China and America, National welfare


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:分析中归纳出美国物价对于中国物价的借鉴意义来改善中国的国民福利。比如中国在财政政策方面可以降低商品税以及减少商品税税种;而在货币政策方面可以提高利率以及提高法定准......
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