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摘要:随着我国经济的快速发展,物流在经济生活当中扮演的角色也越来越重要。家电行业作为一个特殊的产业,对物流的依赖极强。特别是家电零售业,为了增加业绩,增强竞争力,企业不得不将核心竞争力转移到货物的配送、运输和售后服务上面。 笔者在某家店零售商场进行社会实践发现,该商场在货物的运输上面存在着不足之处。为了探究这究竟是个别还是普遍性存在的问题,笔者向蒙自其他几家家电卖场进行了调查,发现在运输上面存在的不足是一个普遍性问题。为此,结合在相关专业上面学到的知识,笔者针对所发现的问题,提出了自己的观点和一些解决措施。 本文主要针对蒙自市现在家电零售行业在运输上普遍存在的一些问题进行研究,分析问题产生的原因,从现象上抽丝剥茧找到本质因素,并且就这些问题及其产生原因提出解决方案。写作本文的主要目的就在于解决家电零售行业运输的不足,提高运输效率,增强企业的竞争力,为企业创造效益。 本文在写作过程中借阅了大量相关研究文献和书籍,在前人的经验基础上面对自己的理解不断完善,特别是在重要的运输路径规划方面查阅了大量的资料,最后找到了一种适合家电零售行业的小规模路径规划方法。 关键词:家电零售行业;运输;规划
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of our economy, Logistics in economic life is playing an increasingly important role. Household electrical appliance industry as a special industry, dependence of strong of the logistics. Especially home appliance retail, in order to increase performance, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises core competence, had to be transferred to the distribution of goods, transportation and after sale service. The author of a shop retail stores to carry on the social practice, the shopping malls in the transport of goods above deficiencies exist. In order to explore whether it is individual or the universal existence question, I to Mengzi several other family store undertook investigating, discovered in transport exists above the deficiency is a common problem. To this end, in their use of relevant professional knowledge to the above, these deficiencies and put forward his viewpoint and some solutions. This article mainly aims at the Mengzi city now home appliance retail industry in the transport on some common problems for research, analysis of the cause of the problem, from the phenomena above boils find essential factor, and the proposed solutions to the problem. Writing the main purpose of this paper is to solve the home appliance retail industry transportation, improve transport efficiency, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, creating benefits for enterprises. In the course of writing to borrow a large number of relevant research literature and books on previous experience, based on the understanding of ourselves and constantly improve, especially in the important transport route planning aspects of access to a large number of data, finally found a suitable home appliance retail industry in the small scale path planning method. Keywords: Household appliances retail industry; Transport; Plan