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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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ABSTRACT:The SME hold a large proportion of all enterprises and it is also an important power of the economic development in our province. The development of SME directly related to the economic growth of our province and also created a large number of jobs for the society. It has played a major role in the security and stability of the society. Therefore, it has special significance to understanding the SME exists problems and finding the countermeasures to the development of SME and do well in the fields of economic development and social harmony in our province. But now Yunnan SME still has many problems, which influence the development of the enterprise, this article through to Yunnan SME is the problem of the summary analysis, and finally puts forward some SME development of countermeasures, hope to help SME enterprises in Yunnan.

  This paper is divided into four parts, the first part of the small and medium-sized enterprises not introduced definition and the division standard, and small and medium-sized enterprise development in Yunnan province course is also introduced briefly. The second part of the small and medium-sized enterprise summary analysis of Yunnan province the existing problems and difficulties. The third part is small and medium-sized enterprises in Yunnan problems put forward some Suggestions. The fourth part were summarized in this paper.

Key words: The small and medium-sized enterprise; Problems;Development measure


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文分为四个部分,第一不部分介绍中小企业的定义及划分标准,并对云南省中小企业的发展历程进行简要介绍。第二部分概括分析了云南省中小企业存在的问题和困难。第三部分就云......
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