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资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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Abstract:Apple logistics industry is taking large proportion in logistics of Zhaotong city. At present, Zhaotong city's apple industrial logistics just started, the logistics distribution mode is relatively backward, researching Zhaotong city's apple logistics distribution mode, promoting the development of the apple logistics industry of Zhaotong city is imminent. These papers as the logistics theory system to the basis, as apple industry logistics distribution mode to a breakthrough, based on its apple industry logistics distribution mode and present development situation, proposing the optimization scheme of apple industry logistics distribution mode.

   This paper as apple industry logistics distribution mode optimization scheme to the theme, for solving the apple industry logistics operation system of Zhaotong city is not complete and the backward of apple logistics distribution mode providing alternative scheme. Further improve the standardization and professional degree of Zhaotong city's apple industry, and promote the development of the apple industry 

   This paper is divided into the five parts: The first chapter of this paper introduces the problems, purpose, background, significance and the domestic and foreign relevant research dynamic. The second chapter of this paper discusses the status of the apple industry logistics distribution mode of Zhaotong city. The third chapter of this paper expounds the main problems of the apple industry logistics distribution mode's development. The fourth chapter of this paper discusses the optimization scheme of the apple industry logistics distribution mode of Zhaotong city, according to the apple industry logistics distribution mode of the existing status and development of Zhaotong, this paper out of Zhaotong city's apple industry logistics distribution mode of optimization several schemes. The fifth chapter of this paper summarizes and outlook, this paper introduces the achievements and the prospect of development prospects for the future.

Keywords: Apple industry; Distribution mode; optimization


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文以探讨昭通苹果产业物流配送模式优化措施为主题,为解决昭通苹果产业物流运营体系不健全,物流配送模式单一的相关问题提供可选方案,以进一步提高昭通苹果产业物流的标准......
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