
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-25
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Abstract:Since the 1998 housing system commercialization since the reform, China's real estate gets great development, house prices rising, the rapid growth of investment. At the same time, China's real estate market development is also associated with all kinds of problems, especially soaring house prices brought about by the bubble economy. Beginning in 2010, the state has issued relevant after the real estate policies, displays tightening monetary will be the future of real estate control direction. And as the earliest foreign open special economic zones-shantou, shantou real estate development natural is cannot leave national policy. This paper with the national financial regulation and the shantou local currency the relationship between real estate as a starting point, to analyze the shantou real estate market. 

Key Words:real estate, the central bank, monetary tightening, interest rate regulation




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:目前汕头市房地产市场总体而言是良性的,不存在市场泡沫问题。因此,对于汕头房地产来说,今年国家一系列货币调控政策暂时不会有太大影响,相反有利于汕头房地产市场健康有序......
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