
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-09
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Abstract:Owing to the development of the market-oriented economy, the competition among the knife-and-scissor industry becomes rather keen. As a leading company in this trade, Yangjiang Qiaoxifu Kitchenware Ltd. Corporation is inevitably confronted with the fierce competitions from every sphere. In this thesis, an introduction is given to the process of the development as well as the present circumstance and the creativity of products of Yangjiang Qiaoxifu Kitchenware Ltd. Corporation which is the actor of the marketing project. With a view to the reality, this thesis makes both an elaborate analysis of the market and a detailed introduction to these aspects such as the needs of consumers, the present circumstance of the market, the competition of the market and the orientation of the marketing strategies. In this way, we now gain an overall knowledge of the competitions from every sphere. What’s more, applying to SWOT, we undertake an analysis of the chances, threats and advantages as well as disadvantages. Finally, we make an implementary plan of the project based on the design of the marketing project. The author drafts a suitable marketing project for Yangjiang Qiaoxifu Kitchenware Ltd. Corporation so as to enhance its original market, enlarge its market share, thus raising the influence of the brand and spurring the company to develop steadily. Key Words: Qiaoxifu Kitchenware Ltd, Knives, Marketing, Design.






上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本论文针对巧媳妇厨业有限公司未来一年的营销推广计划,为未来一年的生产,销售做出战略部署,并给予完整,具体的方案。通过实施本方案,希望能够达到进一步巩固原有市场,开......
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