
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-09
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关键词:日清食品, SWOT分析,营销策划,推广方案


Abstract:The pearl river delta with the high speed development of economy, people to speed up the pace of life, people don't want to spend time in the kitchen, often with instant noodles instead of traditional food for dinner. Especially white-collar workers and students' family, their demand for instant noodles is much larger, market demand makes the instant noodle industry in recent years is always maintained good momentum of growth. 2007, China's instant noodle food industry to achieve a total industrial output value of 97.7 billion yuan; January to October 2008, the Chinese instant noodle food industry realized a total industrial output value 99.8 billion yuan, an increase of 31.45% over the same period in 2007. Pearl River Delta as China's economic development in the core area of ​​the instant noodle market is obviously the huge. In front of the huge business opportunities, China's instant noodle makers flocked to the Pearl River Delta, including Master Kong, unity, Nissin Food Products, a white elephant and other large-scale enterprise, they will occupy an important position in the market competition in the Pearl River Delta.

Key Words: Nissin,Marketing planning,SWOT analysis,Promotion plan




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:楚的知道“合味道”在消费者市场的地位,更是制定了整套经过多方面剖析对比的包括产品策划、品牌策划、价格策划、销售渠道和推广策划。通过一系列的分析和策划......
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