
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-11
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关键词: 屈臣氏,电子商务,网络营销


Abstract:Our country electronic commerce start is late, but the development speed is quite quick, the affected area is broad, already seeped to society's each domain, to our country's economic development huge promotion effect. This to the enterprise, since the opportunity is also challenges. Watson takes a chain-like Retail business, how to seize the present electronic commerce development opportunity, the grab network market, the expansion marketing channel becomes the first important matter which the enterprise faces. This article through analyzes the Watson electronic commerce development the present situation and the question, discusses Watson's network marketing innovation strategy. Based on the cost and the convenient consideration, current Watson mainly “washes the valuable commercial city” using the third party platform to carry on the network marketing. Therefore, Watson first should in complete the network promotion and in the advertisement delivery foundation, uses the good existing each kind to wash the valuable marketing tool fully, enhances the electronic commerce the depth, then may attempt the micro abundant marketing, the BBS marketing, the group to buy the marketing, the motion commerce marketing and so on many kinds of innovation network marketing ways, raises Watson 's marketing benefit.

Key Words:Watson , e-commerce , Network marketing




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:本文通过分析屈臣氏电子商务发展的现状和问题,探讨屈臣氏的网络营销创新策略。基于成本和便利性的考虑,当前屈臣氏主要利用第三方平台“淘宝商城”进行网络营销。因此,屈臣......
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