
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-14
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关 键 词: 植物提取物;食源性致病菌;抑菌;滤纸片法


Abstract:To study different genera of plant extracts on food-borne pathogenic bacteria inhibition. Preparation Orpine ethanol extract, the Liliaceae ethanol extract, ethanol extract of purslane plants, the Compositae ethanol extract, Aizoaceae plant ethanol extract, to study the antibacterial performance using the filter paper method,to analysis The best extraction of various genera using thin layer chromatography(TLC) .The five genera plants of Crassulaceae, liliaceous, compositae, purslane, apricot have a wide range of antibacterial effect ,The bacteriostatic effects from strong to weak is:Portulacaceae, crassulaceae, compositae, apricot, liliaceous.

Keywords  Plant extracts Food-borne pathogens  Antimicrobial  Filter method

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:例如某些变质食品中的有毒物质含量少,或者由于致病菌自身的毒性特点,并不会导致急性中毒,但如果长期食用,往往会造成慢性中毒,最终致畸、致突变、甚至癌变......
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