
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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Abstract:After China carried out the tax reform in 1994, China has established the basicframe of local tax system. It insures the steady increase of financial income especially of central government financial income and it also accelerates economic high- speed development. But along with our country’s various reform to go further, the current local tax system also emerges some disadvantages and problems which restrict the reform to realize it goals. So we should reform current local tax system, promote economy to develop comprehensively by building a scientific ,high-speed, strict localtax system. This thesis has a system analysis of main problems in present local tax system. After learning the successful experience of tax reform in other countries, Finally raises the elementary concept and systemic arrangement of reforming and perfecting local tax system.

Key words: local tax system;reform and development;financial revenue scale;optimization of the tax system structure

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:对我国分税制进行理论分析,阐述现今地方税体系现状从我国地方税制运行中存在的问题入手,追究其产生的根源,在借鉴国际上地方税成功经验的基础上提出了我国地方税制改革的具......
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