
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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关键词:地方政府债务 ; 债务风险; 风险防范


ABSTRACT:Since 2009, China's local governmental public debt has become an increasingly serious problem, gradually spreading and deepening. Some local governments are even on brink of bankruptcy. The seriousness of the local governmental public debt problems have caused great concern in the decision making level of government and the academe,as a result, a lot of studies and regulation management work have been carried out. The purpose of this thesis is to propose some basic  measure to guard against the risk of Chinese local governmental public debt and to sovle this problem. First, it profiles the risk of local governmental debt, based on  domestic and foreign scholars' studies about it; second, it analyzes the causes of the risk of the local governmental public debt relating the status quo of the risk of Chinese local governmental public debt; and lastly, based on the characteristics of China's local governmental public debt, proposes precaution measure and problem-resolving mechanism to solve the risk of China's current governmental debt, besides, it also proposes some policy-making advise for perfecting the mechanism, intensifying risk regulation, and renovating the financing mechanism of local governments.

Key words:Loeal debt;Debt risk;Risk prevention

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:加强地方政府债务风险管理已经成为关乎国家经济安全的大事。由于地方政府债务问题的复杂性,国内的理论和实践中尚未对地方政府债务风险形成有效的管理方法和防范措施。正是在......
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